On the not so disciplined side of things, I ate half a pizza tonight. I made a somewhat home-made pizza with reduced fat cheese, sun dried tomatoes, and mushrooms on a whole wheat crust. The ingredients sound fine until you factor in portion size. I think that's one thing that gets a lot of us. We end up snacking mindlessly and perhaps we justify it to ourselves by saying, "Well, this was sugar free, and that was reduced fat so how bad could it have been?" But when you don't journal your calories or POINTS and you don't watch portion size, the odds are you're doing a lot more damage than your willing to let yourself think.
After indulging on pizza, I relaxed for quite a while in front of the TV and wanted to blow off the trip to the gym because I was tired. Of course I was tired! I worked a full day, carbo-loaded, and parked my tuchus on the couch. Fortunately, my boyfriend didn't let me get away with it, so I just returned from a late-night gym trip and I feel so much better!