Sunday, September 13, 2009

Check in

Things have been better and my mood has improved somewhat. I took the advice of one of my new blog buddies and increased my exercise. To get motivated I joined a challenge on Weight Watchers eTools to earn 100 AP's by Halloween. This week I earned 9 AP's in 4 days, but I definitely paid for it. Only a month ago I was a 34DD and now I am a 36B/34C (*sigh*). They always say that your breasts are the first thing to go when you're losing weight, so I was convinced after losing 60 pounds that I was going to be able to keep them. I was rather attached to that fatty tissue...

Tomorrow is my weigh-in. Hopefully I've lost a couple of pounds. This will be my first loss in 3 weeks. I didn't have a Weight Watchers meeting last week and I missed it :(. I look forward to going every week and socializing with my friends there. These days I get odd looks from newer members, but I still know that I belong; we are all there for the same reason. The weight is falling off slower and I need all the support available, so that I can stay focused and push through. I can't wait to hit goal and go through maintenance, so that as a lifetime member I won't have to pay $40/month anymore. I am thinking of raising my goal weight to 135 because people are wondering how much more weight I can afford to lose. I'm on the fence. When I set out, I thought a size 4 would be a good goal, but now it's not about the size. I'm a 6 (down from a size 18 at my largest) and am fairly comfortable with that.

Sometimes I do have trouble seeing the "new me". I can see it in my face when looking in the mirror, but when looking at my body alone, it still looks the same to me for the most part. There are parts that still look big, like my legs. Is this evidence of distorted body image or is this normal?

In other news:
I am currently trying to scrounge together some money to take the GRE because I have decided to bite the bullet and take on extra education debt and get a master's degree at the local state university.


조안나 said...

You're a 6?!?!?! You're the same size as me!!! Don't loose any more! you'll be too skinny!

As for a masters, try your best to find one that will let you teach and give you a stipend or take of tuition... they have them in most areas.... just prob not in buisness

Miss Meg said...


I think I am going to change my goal weight to the highest possible end of the spectrum. I'm not sure what I weigh right now, but I think it's 142 ish. I don't want to have to pay for WW, but I want to be able to go to meetings because they have been huge for me in terms of support.

As for school, I am pursuing a masters in mental health counseling. I will be able to become licensed and will be able to work in the social work field as a clinician. There is a program that will forgive some of your student loan debt if you work for 2 years in a social work field.

조안나 said...

Wow! that sounds great! and some debt forgiveness would definitely be an advantage!